The High Bluff Services support network runs deep and includes respected companies, organizations, and communities.
Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC) is a diversified Alaska Native investment corporation dedicated to the mission of “Enriching Our Native Way of Life.” Established through the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971, BBNC works to protect the land in Bristol Bay, celebrate the legacy of its people, and enhance the lives of its shareholders.
Becharof Corporation, the parent company of High Bluff Services, LLC, is a participant of BBNC’s In-Region Government Contracting (IGC) Program. The IGC Program’s goal is to provide the training and assistance required to develop small businesses into capable, successful federal contracting companies.
Learn more about BBNC.
Becharof Corporation is the parent company of High Bluff Services. Becharof is an Alaska Native Corporation, established under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) in 1971 and is composed of shareholders from the Native Village of Egegik, located 326 air miles southwest of Anchorage on the western coast of the Alaska Peninsula. Egegik’s population ranges from under 50 year-round to an additional 1,000 to 2,000 people who work in the village’s summer commercial salmon fishing industry, the village’s primary economic enterprise.
TSC is an Alaska-based specialty consulting firm, and valued partner to High Bluff Services, that provides customized solutions to organizations of various types. Their experts have a varied and extensive background and provide consulting to all firms, from start-up through growth. TSC specializes in Alaska Native Corporations working in 8(a) government contracting and Alaska Tribal Organizations. Specialties include strategic planning and mentoring, accounting and finance, marketing and research, and government contracting compliance and operations.
Learn more about Transcend Strategic Consulting.